Redux-data-model has only a few core concepts.
Models are the most basic data structure/abstraction in redux-data-model. They require a set of options to be provided when initializing them.
import {Model} from 'redux-data-model';
import _ from 'lodash';
async function fetchApi(url) {
return await fetch(url).then(response => response.json());
export const userModel = new Model({
// Mandatory options
namespace: 'users',
state: {
userIds: [],
loadingById: {},
userById: {},
// Optional options
selectors: {
// Non memoized selectors
loadingById: (state, userId) => _.get(state, `loadingById[${userId}]`, true),
userById: (state, userId) => _.get(state, `userById[${userId}]`),
// Memoized selectors
users: [
state => state.userIds,
state => state.userById,
(userIds, userById) => => userById[id]),
reducers: {
saveUser(state, { data, userId }) {
state.loadingById[userId] = false;
state.userById[userId] = data;
effects: {
*fetchUser({ userId }, { call, put }, { saveUser }) {
try {
const data = yield call(fetchApi, `${userId}`);
yield put(saveUser({data, userId}));
} catch (error) {
blockingEffects: {
*fetchUser(actionType, { debounce }, { fetchUser }) {
yield debounce(100, actionType, fetchUser);
A model consists of the set of state, selectors, reducers and asynchrounous workflows (i.e. effects and blocking effects) that are related to a given entity (e.g. users). Below you can find a more in depth description on the many options that can be used during a model instantiation.
Model Options
An object with a few key-value pairs. Being namespace and state mandatory, while selectors, reducers, effects, and blocking effects are optional. For more info see this.
Models's API
For more info see this.